Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Language Stepping Stones

In the last several days, Laura has been using more real words in her gibberish. Words/phrases like: horsey, dog, please, eat, here you go, I see you, shoe, ball, up, and you go! She's been using these in the appropriate time/instance, which makes it easier to understand them. As is typical for this age, Laura's really good at vowels, and not so good with most consonants. Nevertheless, it is a pleasure to hear her saying real words these days.

Mom, I think she was just pointing at Keith in the picture below. She's always pointed with both her forefinger and thumb. I'm fairly certain she doesn't think he's a loser, because he's her favorite person in the world.

p.s. I'm sorry I haven't updated in several days. Laura and I are on a new schedule, and we're having a bit of a hard time adjusting.

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