Thursday, October 6, 2011


A: See the truck in front of us?
L: Yes. Who that?
A: Daddy's Uncle Joe.
L: My Daddy?
A: Yes. He's Babu's brother.
L: My Babu? I love my Babu and Bibi. I see Bibi today?
A: Not today. Sorry. L: Why not?
A: She's in Africa.
L: I go to Africa?
A: Someday.
L: ok.

L: Why you do that?
A: Since you were done eating the apple, I threw the core into the woods so that it can decompose and feed the trees. That way, I don't have it rotting in my car, and the trees can get big and strong.
L: Like my Daddy and Uncle Paul?
A: Daddy and Uncle Paul are big and strong, aren't they? L: Yep! (minute later) Please throw this out too?
A: No, you have to eat that part.
L: Why?
A: See these yards? They're nice and manicured. We only throw food into the woods or ditches, not into yards.
L: I no like ditches, only dirt.


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