Saturday, September 7, 2013

Funeral, extended Wiggins Family, and the Lyons

Granny Boots' funeral was very nice and the soloist did an excellent job with "How Great Thou Art" and "His Eye Is On The Sparrow." My personal favorite moment of the funeral was when the soloist (someone from Boots' church) hit the high, long note to finish off How Great. Laura was sitting on the floor, using the pew as a table to color on. I guess she hadn't really been paying attention to the fact that someone was singing, because when that note was hit, loudly, Laura jumped, covered her ears, and twisted her face in shock. I managed not to giggle. Penny, Keith, and Cathy all did an excellent job reading the poems/letters they were supposed to read.

We spent most of the day at Aunt Penny's, getting to know the Lyon family members that were there representing that branch, along with all of Boots' kids and grandkids that were present. We had a lot of fun and definitely made some new "favorite family members." I could have sworn I took a dozen pictures of the kids with various family members today, but since they're not on my phone, I'm beginning to realize I kept grabbing other people's phones. So, I guess I'll have to wait until Lyscha and David upload their photos. The picture of the girls in the bench in the dark was taken as we were leaving Penny's, way passed bed time. Karen plopped herself on the bench and said, "Take a picture!" Keith and I were very surprised since Karen is normally the one protesting photography. 

[edited] Here's David Wiggins x2:

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